
Stanley Kubrick

Retrospective and exhibition in the Deutsches Filmmuseum and the Deutsches Architektur Museum from 31 March to 4 July 2004, Frankfurt, Germany.

Kubrick Exhibition, Filmmuseum and Architecture Museum, Frankfurt


2001: A Space Odyssey 22 May 04

Section: kubrick

Categories: Film / in-a-cinema

70mm, good print, good sound.

Title: 2001: A Space Odyssey

Directed and produced by: Stanley Kubrick

Writers: Stanley Kubrick & Arthur C. Clarke

Based on the story by: Arthur C. Clarke

Cast: Keir Dullea (David Bowman), Gary Lockwood (Frank Poole), William Sylvester (Dr. Haywood R. Floyd) Daniel Richter (Moonwatcher), Douglas Rain (voice of HAL 9000), and more.

Music: Khachaturyan, Ligeti, R. Strauss (Also Sprach Zarathustra), Johann Strauss (Blue Danube Waltz)

Director of Cinematography: Geoffrey Unsworth

Additional Photography: John Alcott

Editor: Ray Lovejoy

Sound: A. W. Watkins

Production design: Tony Masters, Harry Lange, Ernie Archer

Costumes: Hardy Amies

Make-up: Stuart Freeborn

Special effects designed by: Stanley Kubrick

Special effects supervisors: Wally Veevers, Douglas Trumbull, Colin Cantwell, Tom Howard, Con Pederson, Bryan Loftus, Frederick Martin, Bruce Logan, John Jack Malick, David Osborne

Year: 1968

Cinema: Deutsches Filmmusem, Frankfurt, Germany

  • Title: 2001: A Space Odyssey